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FastAI on VastAI


There is a video version of the tutorial on Youtube.

This is the text version of the tutorial. It is frequently updated with the latest information and is the fastest method to getting started.

This tutorial allows you to utilize VastAI, a cloud gpu rental service, to run FastAI, a great AI kickstarter library. While services like Paperspace and other cloud GPU providers can provide introductory GPUs, a problem arises when more compute is needed. Utilizing powerful hardware on popular cloud providers can prove to be expensive. Therefore, VastAI provides a solution by allowing consumers to rent out their personal GPUs to be used, resulting in a decrease in price.

To get started, to go the VastAI website and create an account.


After you have created an account, click on the console button at the top right of the website.


Setting up the account

This brings you to the main page where you can create and rent servers. However, for now, go to the billing page.


From here, you can add credit, and the minimum is $5. After this, you can go to the the account page to set up the SSH key.


You can get the SSH key through various methods. This guide will show you how to obtain it using a windows machine with SSH installed through Windows subsystem for linux 2.

For windows uers with SSH set up, go to C:\Users\*Insert Current user*\.ssh


In this folder, you will see 3 files. The first two files are the Private and Public SSH keys, and the third file is the SSH connection history. You will want to select the file with the "Pub" extension, which indicates that it is the public SSH key. You can then paste this into the SSH key field on the VastAI website.

Be sure to only paste the public key. It is the shorter of the two keys, and has a smaller file size. VastAI will warn you if you paste your private key by mistake.

Provisioning a remote GPU server

After this, we can finally start up a server! First, go to the create page. I recommend setting the GPU count filter to 1. This allows us to focus only on servers that have 1 GPU. This filter can be adjusted later on when more GPUs can be utilized.


Next, click on Edit image & config. Here, you can see various docker images that can be loaded up to the remote servers. Go all the way to the bottom and select the custom container option and enter fastdotai/fastai-course.


Next, we will find an appropriate server. For getting used to VastAI, I recommend sorting by price ascending. This allows us to choose the cheapest servers to familiarize the setup with. Later on you can use DLPerf/$/Hour which optimizes for efficiency.


For this specific instance, it is important to note that other than the base rental fee of $0.297/hour, there is a storage fee of $0.00694/hour/10gb as well as an internet transfer fee of $0.02/GB. This internet transfer fee can become significant if you are transferring a large amount of data such as downloading training data to the instance or downloading finished models from the instance. This can be avoided by preloading the data to the docker containers by using a custom docker container. There will be a guide on how to do this in the future.

Other instances will have different prices for the storage as well as internet transfer.

Connecting to the server

Once you have chosen a server to rent, you can click on the rent button and then go to the instances page. Here you will be able to see the status of the instance. It usually takes a few minutes for the instance to be set up depending on the internet speed. At the time of writing, you will not be charged for the time it takes to set up the instance and the internet transfer from downloading the instance. You can see the status of the docker container and updates on the bottom after refreshing the page.


After the instance is done setting up, you can click on the connect button. This brings up a popup with the command to connect using SSH. Clicking on the command will highlight the entire command, which can then be copied. After copying the SSH command, open up a terminal where SSH is installed. I will show connecting to SSH using Windows Command Prompt.

After opening up Command Prompt, right clicking anywhere will paste the contents of the command. After entering the command, it might say connection refused. If it does, just keep on entering the command until it works. When it says if you want to continue, type in yes.


Once you have reached this step, type in cd .. to go to the upper folder. Then type cd workspace. After typing ls, we can see the contents of this folder.

Then type jupyter notebook --port=8080 --allow-root --no-browser to launch the jupyter notebook. You will see the links to connect to the jupyter notebook in the terminal.


After pasting the link in the web browser, you will see your standard jupyter notebook interface. You can now use as any other jupyter notebook.

Running programs in the server


You can then go into fastbook where the notebooks from the course are cloned in. Remember that your current machine may not has as much VRAM as you need so there might be memory errors. I recommend using machines with at least 16GB of VRAM to avoid memory errors. The current instance I am am using has only 11GB of VRAM so the models that I can use are limited.

If you see an out of memory error, it is likely because of insufficient VRAM and you need to either lower the batch size or choose a different model.

Saving your work

After you are done with your work, you need to download it off of the server in order to keep it. Jupyter notebook allows you to select each file individually to download.

To download everything, take a look at downloading all files in a path on jupyter notebook or type tar chvfz notebook.tar.gz * in the terminal, which will create a tar file of everything in the current directory. vastaijupyternotebookdownload

Shutting down the server

When you are done saving your work, you can close the jupyter notebook tabs and go to the instances tab on the vastai console. After pressing stop, the charges for running the instance will stop but the charges for storage will continue. It is not recommended to just stop the instance because while the data will be stored on the machine for later use, it is not guaranteed that you will be able to get the same instace later on. Therefore, it is recommended to press the destroy button which will stop the instance as well as delete all the data off of the server, which will stop all charges.


After a few seconds of pressing the destroy button, the instance will be deleted and the SSH session will be automatically closed.

This is the end of the text tutorial.