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About me


I am currently seeking a full time position in Software Development.
I bring experience from personal projects and research to support the development of technical projects.


Undergraduate at The Ohio State University Graduated May 2021

BS / Computer Engineering GPA: 3.69

Work Experience

Computer Architecture Research Lab Assistant - Ohio State University
November 2019 - May 2020

  • Developed novel security implementations using Hardware Accelerated Stochastic Inference (HASI) for machine learning accelerators.
  • Collaborative development of defenses against adversarial attacks using FPGAs.

Course Assistant - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
January 2018 - May 2018

  • Mentored students by holding office hours in the Introduction to Computer Science class.
  • Educated students on problem solving techniques.

Personal Projects

Anime Face Generator

  • Used Stylegan2 on a custom set of anime faces to generate similar fake anime faces.
  • Created a python script to generate a folder of cropped anime faces from a folder images.
  • Created a python script to preprocess images to meet Stylegan2 requirements and to resize images to a custom size.
  • Created a custom docker image with Stylegan2 and the training dataset to enable training on powerful remote machines in VastAI to reduce bandwidth cost.

Using FastAI on VastAI tutorial

  • Created text and video tutorial on how to use FastAI on VastAI

Online anime recognizer

  • Used FastAI to deploy a machine learning model online using mybinder to recognize anime faces.
  • Created GUI to select images.

Technical Skills

Languages and Development Tools

  • Python, Java, C++, Verilog
  • Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Xilinx Vivado
  • Markdown